Thursday, November 8, 2012

Conversation of the Day

I typically get myself into some pretty interesting conversations here, which I typically like to blame on the language barrier.  You see when you live your life in a language that you maybe only understand two-thirds of the time, there is plenty of room for misunderstandings.  Conversations that in America I could recognize would get awkward real quick I could nip in the bud, but here its not until they've reached their full level of awkwardness that I realize what I've gotten myself into.

And as any PCV in Albania will tell you, the most awkward conversations typically revolve around finding a husband/wife.  This country is full of wannabe matchmakes and let me tell you, they are persistent.  On an average day I hear some form of "you need a man/I have a brother who is your age/have you met (insert Albanian man's name here)" multiple times.  But for the first time today, I won.

This is what happened when I went to buy my monthly internet.  We'll call my friend Bob.

Bob:  How have you been?

Me:  Good and you?

Bob:  Good.  School is good?

Me:  Good.  Family is good?

Bob:  Yes, good.

Me:  Very good.

Bob:  Are you bored?

Me:  No.

Bob:  You should get ready for the winter.  You shouldn't get bored.

Me:  I know.  I don't like the winter.  Winter in California is like the weather now in Gramsh.  I will be very cold!

Bob:  (laughs)  Oh my, in Gramsh we have snow.  What will you do?  Do you have clothes?

Me:  Yes I will wear all of my clothes.  I will be too cold.

Bob:  You should stay warm or else you will be bored.

Me:  I have a wood stove at home.  It is no problem.

Bob:  You are still alone?

Me: Yes.

Bob:  A stove isn't enough.  You should find a man.

Me: (laughs awkwardly)  Yes?

Bob:  Yes.  You should find a man.

Me:  An Albanian man?

Bob:  Whatever man you want.  A man is better than a stove.

Me:  I think a dog is better than a man.

Bob:  Eh, maybe a dog is quieter.  You should find a dog.

And that ladies and gentlemen is what winning looks like.

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