With the change of the seasons, comes the change of weather and here in Central Albania, that means thunderstorms! And here in Gramsh, a thunderstorm means you'll be ska dritë aka without power. Growing up in Davis, California I can only vividly remember 3 times that the power went out for more than an hour or so.
(That is if you don't count those rolling blackouts in 2000. By the way, how crazy was that? How does that even happen? And imagine if that hadn't happened, we never would have had the Governator...OK sorry about that random thought brought to you by Jen. Back to the blog.)
When I moved to Gramsh, I quickly realized that this wouldn't be the case here. Since Gramsh is removed from any other major cities and is nestled between hills and valleys, our electricity isn't the most reliable. And now that the stormy season is upon us, it looks like there will be even more ska dritë days ahead.
In comparison to my expectations coming into the Peace Corps, I still have access to electricity way beyond what I thought I would during my service. But still, for someone who is used to having electricity, even going just a few hours without it was a shock to my system. But as you'll hear many PCVs say, it is surprisingly easy to live without the conveniences we take for granted back in America.
Now my goal here is not to preach about the power of living simply and all that jazz but simply to state that being ska dritë can be fun!! So I've compiled a countdown of some of my favorite activities:
5. Read a book!!
4. Enjoy the silence that is only possible without power. (Bonus: If its night time, go outside and look at the stars. You won't regret it!)
3. Organize your house.
2. Go downstairs and talk with the neighborhood women about how sad it is that there isn't power. (There is no better way to bond than complaining about the lights, the water or the weather.)
Now why is that last one in all caps? Um because its awesome! There is a reason why we were entertained for hours as children with coloring books and yarn. I dare you to try it one day. Build a fort on the ground with some blankets and pillows and sit around with markers and some paper. You'll feel like a crazy person at first, but there is no better way to relax.
Of course, being ska dritë isn't all sunshine and rainbows. But for any future PCVs reading this, here are some ways to prepare. The moment you see clouds that look like the alien invasion from Independence Day or hear thunder do this:
1. Start boiling water. Nothing is worse than storm watching without a warm cup of tea.
2. Strategically place candles around your house.
3. If your internet is fast enough, make a last ditch effort to download something to watch. That episode of How I Met Your Mother will be a life saver come hour 5.
4. Accept it. You can't stop the power from going out.
5. In extreme cases, if the power is out throughout the day and the night is coming without any sign that it'll come back on, go buy bread. Just do it, you won't regret it. And there will be a run on bread. Nothing is worse than wandering around the streets using your cell phone as a flashlight trying to find the last loaf in town.
And that my friends, is life ska dritë. Now go do some arts and crafts!!!
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